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Pathfinder Jubilost

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*(the first question you can let Jubilost answer for you, the other answer is a secret, the past.) After you answered all the questions, you need to play Knight-Dragon-Snag with others. After you win the game, you can ask the host to answer three questions for you. (dont forget to ask Jubilost's question, why gnome left the first world.).

*Pathfinder Jubilost Taxes

*Kingmaker Pathfinder Jubilost

*Pathfinder Jubilost

The characters for the video game Pathfinder: Kingmaker set in the Pathfinder universe. Pathfinder Kingmaker Party Members Back to the main characters page. The Stolen LandsAdvisors A Mad Scientist Wizard with few if any ethical scruples. As with any cRPG, Pathfinder: Kingmaker's companions play a large role in how your journey progresses, bringing not just different abilities but also personalities that can shape bits of your story to the mix. To help you get as complete an experience as possible, here are the locations of companions in Pathfinder: Kingmaker and where you can find them.The Price of CuriosityNo image yetDetails?Location?Companion questReward?

The Price of Curiosity is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

*2WalkthroughSynopsis[edit | edit source]“We are going to a mysterious event — the Inconsequent Debates — to help Jubilost find out why and how the gnomes left the First World!„Walkthrough[edit | edit source]Attend the debates[edit | edit source]

*The debates await! We need to get to the place, and quickly!

The Inconsequent Debates are located south-west from Oleg's Trading Post and north from Thorn Ford. 

It's northeast->north->north->northeast->north->northwest->north->west->northwest->north->northeast->southeast from the Capital.

You need to have only two more people in your party: Jubilost and LinziRead the rules[edit | edit source]

*The rules must be hanging around here somewhere. We need to read them so we can begin!

The rules are written on three signs, each of them is rigged in its own way. From left to right: first - turns a participant (Jubilost) into a giant frog, second - makes a participant say 'TENTACLES' at least every ten words, third - a participant must routinely enter desperate screaming fits. With a Perception 20 check (45 exp.) you can figure out that something is wrong with these rules and start the 'Find the culprit!' stage of the quest. Otherwise the debates begin immediately.Find the culprit![edit | edit source]

*It seems that someone charmed the rules scroll! Now there's a spell on Jubilost that's going to make his life miserable! We have to talk to the guests and find the evil trickster.

The culprit are gnomes (Nyrd Zottenropple and two frogs), but it's worth to ask another two participants (at least talk Sir Allfrey after reding the 'TENTACLES' sign) just for fun.During the conversation, you can figure out Knowledge (World) 20 that Nyrd Zottenropple suffers (or, rather, dying) from the Bleaching. You can also Intimidate 30 (720 exp.) the gnomes into removing the spell from Jubilost (losing the possibility of answering 'And tentacles.' to the first question of debates) or leave everything as it is (Amazingly, Jubilost sighs with relief).Win the debates![edit | edit source]

*The local debates are, of course, not debates at all. – But we must win them nevertheless!

The host of the debates is Shyka, what is revealed with a Lore (Religon) 30 check.

To get the right of FOUR answers (best outcome), you should give all the correct answers, which require:

*Reading the 'TENTACLES' sign (the middle one) with the rules last (or the only).

*NOT removing the spell from Jubilost

*Passing a hidden WIS 20 check on the 3rd question. It's a hard one to pass, because having 20 Wisdom, you get only +5 modifier (for checks are used stat modifier values - not the stat values!), which in sum with the roll should get 20. If you see no 'It's our past.' answer - you failed. Good luck!

The correct answers are given below:

*'What can move a mountain?' - 'Jubilost, Linzi? What's our answer?' then 'Its own will.' (1 point) or 'Its own will. And tentacles.' (2 points)

*'What weakens when owned by many and dies if owned by none?' - 'A secret.' (1 point)

*'Each of us is born at the same time with a monster. (…) What is it?' - 'It's our past.' (WIS check, 1 point), 'It's memory.' or 'What do you say, Jubilost?' then 'It's knowledge.' (0.5 points)

*'Yell on three. One, two... three!' - 'Knight!' ('Dragon!' for a tie, then 'DRAGON!' for a win or 'Snag!' for another tie.) then any answer. (1 point)Ask about the fate of the gnomes[edit | edit source]Pathfinder Jubilost Taxes

*If we're lucky enough to win the debates, we should find out why the gnomes left First World. This information is of utmost importance to Jubilost.Discuss the events with Jubilost[edit | edit source]

*Oh those fey! Just give them a chance and they'll confound everyone! We need to discuss with Jubilost what all this means and what we should do next.Outcome[edit | edit source]“What an incredible adventure! We faced the First World again, passed its trials with dignity, but received as reward a riddle rather than an answer. What will be next?„ Retrieved from '' 

Last updated on November 24th, 2018

In this Pathfinder Kingmaker Guide we will take a look at Jubilost. He starts off as Alchemist and leaving him on this path is recommended for new players. Bombs can deal lots of damage, and with this Build we are going to maximize the effectiveness of blowing things up with them. This is a very simple build that is great for beginners.Pathfinder Kingmaker Builds – Jubilost the Alchemist

Alchemists rely upon mutagens and bombs to alter their Attributes and do lots of damage. This build focuses on dispatching bombs quickly and to do that we need specific feats and discoveries. Jubilost comes with these Feats and Abilities automatically:

*Throw Anything: +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls with splash weapons.

*Precise Bomb: Bombs can’t affect allies. A very important ability that removes friendly fire.

*Acid Bomb: Throw bombs that deal acid damage.

*Ability Focus Bombs: +2 to DC for all saving throws against your bombs.

*Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons (bombs included).

*Precise Shot: No penalty when throwing bombs and shooting ranged weapons into enemies that are engaged in melee.Kingmaker Pathfinder JubilostAttributes & Skills

The most important Attributes for a bomber Alchemist are Intelligence and Dexterity. INT improves damage from bombs, and your DEX modifier is added to attack rolls when throwing bombs. We need the Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Two WeaponFighting Feats, but they have DEX requirements of 15 and 17. So, the first 3 points go into DEX and then 1 into INT in order to obtain these, and improve the damage of your bombs a bit.

Jubilost starts off with boosts to Knowledge (Arcana), Stealth and Trickery when it comes to Skills, so ranking them up to max is the way to go. Add any other skill you want to the mix in, because there are going to be a lot of points to distribute.Feats

Over the course of leveling Jubilost there will be Discovery Feats, in addition to the normal ones. Discovery Feats grant additional bombs, improved Mutagens, and some other boosts. It is up to you which bombs you want to use, but Dispelling Bomb should be on everyone’s list because they are extremely effective.

The Feats of this Build revolve around improving bomb effectiveness by increasing their damage, amount you can throw, and making them more likely to hit. Two Weapon Fighting does not work with bombs unless the Fast Bombs ability is active, and we want Fast bombs active at all times. Fast bombs enable throwing of additional bombs in one round, but with a penalty, one that we counter with the Two Weapon Fighting Feat.

Alchemists have wide variety of bombs, meaning they have solution for every problem

Here is full list of Feats and Discoveries I have chosen for this build:

*Weapon Focus (Bomb)

*Improved Critical (Bomb)

*Two Weapon Fighting (DEX 15 needed)

*Improved Two Weapon Fighting (DEX 17 needed)

*Extra Bombs (x2)Potions & Gear

Jubilost does not use Spells, instead he uses Potions, and that means Arcane Spell Failure does not affect him at all. Buffing potions are the way to go to help not only yourself, but also party members. Without Infusion Discovery you can not use Potions on others, so be sure to get this when you can. Fox’s Cunning, Cat’s Grace and Heroism are the most important ones to have to increase INT, and to add bonuses to attack rolls and saving throws. As for the rest go for whatever fits your style of play and your party make up.

Mutagens stack with buffs from Cat’s Grace and Fox’s Cunning. It can lead to really high attributes.Pathfinder Jubilost

A weapon is only used when we are out of bombs, so something like Light Crossbow would be ideal because we do not want to stay in melee range, and we do not need to waste any more Feats to get new proficiencies. Jubilost comes with low STR, so Light Armor is the highest you should go for because of the Encumbrance penalty he will receive if you use Medium or Heavy. Accessories that boost DEX and INT are priority, since these are most important Attributes that effect bombs.Summary

Jubilost as a pure Alchemist, is a powerful ranged damage dealer that is easy to play. Before the fight buff yourself with Dexterity Mutagens, Fox’s Cunning, Heroism and anything else that you think would be good. Make sure Fast Bombs and Rapid Shot are always on, and activate any bomb and start throwing. Bombs will last for a full round when activated. That is all there is to it.

Bombs away!

More Pathfinder Kingmaker content is coming soon, including Class and Build Guides, so stay tune! You may be interested to read our Tower Shield Tank Valerie Build Guide,Jaethal Grim Reaper Build Guide, Octavia Arcane Trickster Build Guide, Amiri Barbarian Build Guide, Ekundayo Ranger Build Guide, Linzi Bard Build Guide, Harrim Cleric Build Guide and our Beginner’s Guide. In the meantime you can check out the wiki for all your Pathfinder needs.





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